How to Update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat?

Are you still facing problems while updating FM WhatsApp? Does your chat get deleted while updating? Do you also want to get rid of this problem and looking for a trick that wonโ€™t delete your chat?

Here we gonna provide you with the easiest steps on how to update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat. So, just follow our guide, which will not delete your chat, and you will also update your FM WhatsApp.

an image of how to update fm whatsapp without losing any chat

Steps on how to update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat:

Do you wanna enjoy the latest, updated, and more advanced features of FM WhatsApp that were not included in the original WhatsApp? Then go and follow our below steps, and we are pretty sure that after this you can easily update your FM WhatsApp without losing any chat by yourself. 

Check for updates:

  • Open your FM WhatsApp first.
  • Now tap on three dots in the upper right corner. Check for updates by going to your FM WhatsApp setting.
  • Click on FMMODS -> Updates -> Check for updates.
  • If there is any FM WhatsApp update then follow next step.
How to Update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat with picture

Backup Chats:

Do you worry about losing your important WhatsApp conversations? Many people are nervous about downloading and updating the latest version of FM WhatsApp because theyโ€™re afraid of losing their chat history. There are a few simple ways to back up your FM WP chats so that you can always access them, even if you lose your phone or switch to a new device.

  • Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • After that, you need to click on -> FMMods -> Universal -> Backup and Restore.
  • Now click on “backup chats” Did you know? You can also backup your media by clicking on “backup media”.
Custom Backup and Restore on How to Update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat

Uninstall the current version:

  • Tap on three dots of upper right corner
  • Click on “settings”.
  • Now tap on “account”.
  • There’s an option to “delete account”.
  • By clicking on this you are successfully done with the uninstallation process.

Download and install latest version:

  • Go and Download the latest version of FM WhatsApp APK from our given below button which is completely safe, secure, and virus-free.
  • Now move to the deviceโ€™s file manager and locate the new downloaded file. Click on the APK file to begin the installation.
  • After you are done with the updated version, open Fouad Mods FM WhatsApp and verify your phone number.
  • Cheers guys!! Now you are completely done with the FM WhatsApp Update, enjoy the new updates and latest enhanced features, and make new customizations.

Restore Data:

  • After done with above step.
  • You will have an option to restore data. keep it in mind!! don’t forget to click on it and you will see that all your data will remain as it is.

Cheers guys!! Now you are completely done with the FM WhatsApp Update without losing chat. Enjoy the updates with the latest enhanced features, and make new customizations.

What is meant by the backup method?

In simple and easy words, Data Backup means making a duplicate copy of your original file and storing it on another media.


The advantages of having backup chats are as follows:

You know what, guys!! It has the benefit that if something happens to your original file and it gets lost, you can restore it from there.

Did you know? With backup, you can store not only your chat but also your pictures, videos, and your voice in one place.

It is best for business purposes, or if you are dealing with clients on a daily basis, then it’s like peace of mind for you. To save the data of clients and profile history, media, documents, and many more.


In the above article, you will learn the easiest and simplest way how to update FM WhatsApp without losing any chat. With the help of this article, you can download the APK very smoothly. You will also see that this will not only update your FM WhatsApp app but also not lose your chat. Remember one thing the latest version of WhatsApp mods is not available on the google play store. We hope this article will be helpful to you.